Event En tête


Peppino Capuano ospita le creazioni di Lancellotti Di Romano - Invito
Peppino Capuano ospita le creazioni di Lancellotti Di Romano - Vetrina
Peppino Capuano ospita le creazioni di Lancellotti Di Romano - Expo
Peppino Capuano ospita le creazioni di Lancellotti Di Romano - Expo
Peppino Capuano ospita le creazioni di Lancellotti Di Romano

The initiative aims to bring together two artisanal realities united by creativity, imagination and finesse d’esprit… Our jewels creations and those by Lancellotti Di Romano, extraordinary creators of headbands for nuptial and other memorable ceremonies.
In the creations of Lancellotti Di Romano, the central element is the attention to detail, the fine particular that makes the difference, adorning the face and enhancing the beauty of “ordinary and extraordinary women” for festive occasions.
During the event we illustrated the steps carrying to the creation of customized and personalized jewelry and the meticulous interweaving of small elements to compose the delightful headbands made of lightness, originality, color, imagination and meticulous research of materials.
Headbands and jewelry are perfect idea to bring light and sparkle to the wedding dress but also a touch to finish the pageboy’s dress and the precious detail for the Communion, the Confirmation or for the birthday party. The headband, as well as the jewel, makes a very special and unique memory.
Manual processing is the core of these two niche brands that characterize their history exclusively with Made in Italy.



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